The building my mom lives in is a strange one. Similar to the Winchester House in the sense of senselessness. There are doors that lead to nothing, secret rooms with windows that can be seen from outside of the apartment, but are only accessible by the revealing of a moveable wall. I've noticed the strange architecture, but my focus points are the basement of the entire building and the kitchen in our apartment. At first it was nothing, just a drawer face that wouldnt stay nailed to the rest of the drawer, despite the obvious attempts of 15 nails trying to keep it on. It would pop itself off regardless. Alright, faulty drawer. We stopped putting it back on. Problem fixed, right?
Then the shadows. I'd been seeing the shadows...flitting across my peripheral vision. First I saw them in Fresno in the apartment I was staying then I saw them here in the kitchen. I put them down to figments of my imagination along with the comely amount of LSD and mushrooms I've been taking recently. But I had indeed seen them, there was no denying it. And I wasnt impressed with the feeling they left lingering or with the idea that I might be being followed.
Now to the basement...well, basements are what they be, creepy as shit. Upon arriving here the first time, my mom warned me about the basement, said she had been down there one night doing her laundry when she heard some voices. I took note, but my mom has heard voices before and I figured 'whateva'. But there was no ignoring it as I felt my own mind begin to slip from my grasps, not towards insanity but released from the contains of what they call "sanity". This indoctrination we've been taught to not question our reality, that there is only one and it is by their standards. Back to the basement...So here I am now doing my laundry and I admit I was getting the heebie-jeebies but thought my mind was just playing tricks on me when once again two shadows flicked across my vision...once bouncing off a broken mirror leaving my eyes focused on painted writing on the doorjam "You're a NUT." At this I knew my mind was not fucking with me and I bolted up the stairs, but I felt something trailing after me on the back of my calves, the same way it had felt once in the kitchen. I yelled "STOP!" and went back to the apartment and did not go back to the basement til the next morning. The writings were and are still there.
There have been more disturbances in the kitchen. Grocery bags that were safely tucked between the wall and fridge come flying out into the middle of the floor and noises...basically just things moving. I was beginning to become annoyed.
I have become very attuned to my psychic ability and wish to hone my skills. I ponder the possibilities of time, space, quantum physics, and how I can personally manipulate them to allow telecommunication, telekinesis, even interdimensional/time travel, activating the 8th thru 12th chakras our our light body. My mind is powerful, but how do I access that power within this physical realm? By remembering. All the answers our within ourselves...or are we indeed the answers to the riddles we are faced with? We will allow the possibility that we can travel through time or at least our future selves have figured it out. We go back in time and change things, hoping we will make it right this time around. That first plane of existence did not cease to exist at this point and through the changes made we have created a second layer of existence stacked on top of that one. But things are still not right...we messed shit up again or the correcting of the orginal mistake changed history and caused something else to happen that we wish to correct. And so it goes on...and we have created many layers, many parallel universes stacked on top of each other. And it becomes crowded...the space between the layers have become thin. Interdimensional travel between these planes is easier, well maybe perhaps just noisier. We hear a rustling in the room, but we are alone in that room..perhaps we are crossing paths with our future interdimensionally-traveling self. It could be happening in the other planes as well. The thought came to me, what if this is what is happening. As I allow myself to leave this reality and go down the rabbit hole, I wonder if my mind is playing tricks on me (you're a NUT), but what if I am playing tricks on myself! I am saying "HEY! Pay attention! WE figured it out, You are on the right path, in the right thinking." to myself. This is a possibility...but just that.
Yesterday, there were more disturbances. More writings on the wall in the basment and an-almost act of violence in the kitchen (which by the way is the old part of the apartment, the rest was built on later). More shadows flitting across my vision lead me to more writing on the wall in the basement across from the other "you're a NUT", which reads "Yes. YOU!"
WTF! right? Last night as me and my mom sat watching TV in the living room, a tray with a small pie my mom had left me went flying off its stable position on top of the stove, spreading pie juices all over the floor. Now that was just rude, but you've got my fucking attention, asshole.
So now I have reached this moment. Mischievious spirit/energy, this building built on a sense of crazy, and me...who might be losing it because I am truly on to something big here. A discovery of my psychic capabilities. Regardless, it is sending me messages I can't ignore. But I wont know, unless I ask whatever it might be. It is the fear of what might happen, of who is in control that holds me back. I mean, I'm already insane, what else is there to lose? More like what is there to gain.
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